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A nne S aint- G irons
... every day is a work of A r t ...
Drawings-paintings-MURALs-Trompe l'oeil
...chaque jour est une oeuvre d'Art ...
Custom portraits
I create for you high-end memories,
unique works, which resemble you, in the format of your choice.
Large formats…
Here, for example: three sisters, three personalities gathered in this triple portrait of imposing format.
Miniature portraits
Presented in their small custom made frame or in their small duo box,
these unique works, easy to offer, will find a privileged place, very close to those you love.
Drawn "topographic" portrait.
(Colored pencils on paper)
Large format drawn portrait.
(colored pencils on laminated paper) .
The possibilities are numerous: let's talk about your project together to define The portrait you need.
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